The chronological list below is a selection of published journal articles that I have edited, and are only displayed with the consent of the authors.
[Last updated November 2022]


Auxerre M, Faure F, Lequin D (2022) The effects of superheating and cooling rate on olivine growth in chondritic liquid. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 57(8), 1474–1495.

Bonneau F, Stoyan D (2022) Directional Pair-Correlation Analysis of Fracture Networks. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127(9), e2022JB024424. or

Dalou C, Deligny C, Füri E (2022) Nitrogen isotope fractionation during magma ocean degassing: tracing the composition of early Earth’s atmosphere. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 20, 27–31.

Faure F, Auxerre M, Casola V (2022) Slow cooling during crystallisation of barred olivine chondrules. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 593, 117649.

Huang W-H, Lyu Y, Du M-H, He C, Gao S-D, Xu R-J, Xia Q-K, ZhangZhou J (2022) Estimation of ferric iron contents in clinopyroxene by machine learning models. American Mineralogist 107(10), 1886–1900.

Regnault M, Marrocchi Y, Piralla M, Villeneuve J, Batanova V, Schnuriger N, Jacquet E (2022) Oxygen isotope systematics of chondrules in Rumuruti chondrites: Formation conditions and genetic link with ordinary chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 57(1), 122–135.

Rouabah A, Meiss H, Villerd J, Lasserre-Joulin F, Tosser V, Chabert A, Therond O (2022) Predicting the abundances of aphids and their natural enemies in cereal crops: Machine-learning versus linear models. Biological Control 169, 104866.

Stell E, Meiss H, Lasserre-Joulin F, Therond O (2022) Towards Predictions of Interaction Dynamics between Cereal Aphids and Their Natural Enemies: A Review. Insects 13(5), 479.


Azevedo-Vannson S, France L, Ingrin J, Chazot G (2021) Mantle metasomatic influence on water contents in continental lithosphere: New constraints from garnet pyroxenite xenoliths (France & Cameroon volcanic provinces). Chemical Geology 575, 120257.

Bai Y, Su B-X, Xiao Y, Cui M-M, Charlier B (2021) Magnesium and iron isotopic evidence of inter-mineral diffusion in ultramafic cumulates of the Peridotite Zone, Stillwater Complex. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 292, 152–169.

Barbey P, Grandprat M, Faure F (2021) Cordierite-Bearing Orbicules Record Bulk Assimilation and the Pulsating Nature of Magma Ascent: The Lafaye Orbicular Granite (France). Journal of Petrology 62(7), egab063.

Barré G, Thomassot E, Michels R, Cartigny P, Strzerzynski P, Truche L (2021) Multiple sulfur isotopes signature of Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction (TSR): Insights from Alpine Triassic evaporites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 576, 117231.

Blard P-H (2021) Cosmogenic ³He in terrestrial rocks: A review. Chemical Geology 586, 120543.

Boudier F, Mainprice D, Nicolas A, Barou F (2021) Textural insights into the significance of ophiolitic chromitites, with special reference to Oman. Tectonophysics 814, 228972.

Boulanger M, France L, Ferrando C, Ildefonse B, Ghosh B, Sanfilippo A, Liu C-Z, Morishita T, Koepke J, Bruguier O (2021) Magma-Mush Interactions in the Lower Oceanic Crust: Insights From Atlantis Bank Layered Series (Southwest Indian Ridge). Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126(9), e2021JB022331.

Boulliung J, Dalou C, Tissandier L, Füri E, Marrocchi Y (2021) Nitrogen diffusion in silicate melts under reducing conditions. American Mineralogist 106(4), 662–666.

Charreau J, Lavé J, France-Lanord C, Puchol N, Blard P-H, Pik R, Gajurel AP, ASTER Team (2021) A 6 Ma record of palaeodenudation in the central Himalayas from in situ cosmogenic 10Be in the Surai section. Basin Research 33(2), 1218–1239.

Deligny C, Füri E, Deloule E (2021) Origin and timing of volatile delivery (N, H) to the angrite parent body: Constraints from in situ analyses of melt inclusions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 313, 243–256.

Demouchy S (2021) Defects in olivine. European Journal of Mineralogy 33, 249–282.

Demouchy S, Alard O (2021) Hydrogen, trace, and ultra-trace element distribution in natural olivines. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 176, 26.

Feurdean A (2021) Experimental production of charcoal morphologies to discriminate fuel source and fire type: an example from Siberian taiga. Biogeosciences 18, 3805–3821.

France L, Brouillet F, Lang S (2021) Early carbonatite magmatism at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano (Tanzania): carbonatite–silicate melt immiscibility in Lengai I melt inclusions. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience 353(S2), 1–16.

Florin G, Luais B, Alard O, Rushmer T (2021) Condensation and evaporation processes during CB chondrite formation: Insights from Ge isotopes and highly siderophile element abundances. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 56(6), 1191–1211.

Mariotti A, Blard P-H, Charreau J, Toucanne S, Jorry SJ, Molliex S, Bourlès DL, Aumaître G, Keddadouche K (2021) Nonlinear forcing of climate on mountain denudation during glaciations. Nature Geoscience 14, 16–22.

Marrocchi Y, Avice G, Barrat JA (2021) The Tarda Meteorite: A Window into the Formation of D-type Asteroids. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 913(1), L9.

Marrocchi Y, Delbo M, Gounelle M (2021) The astrophysical context of collision processes in meteorites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 56(7), 1406–1421.

Paris G, Piani L (2021) Why is the Earth blue? The Conversation.

Piani L, Marrocchi Y, Vacher LG, Yurimoto H, Bizzarro M (2021) Origin of hydrogen isotopic variations in chondritic water and organics. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 567, 117008.

Piani L, Paris G (2021) Why is there water on Earth? The Conversation.

Pinto GA, Marrocchi Y, Morbidelli A, Charnoz S, Varela ME, Soto K, Martínez R, Olivares F (2021) Constraints on Planetesimal Accretion Inferred from Particle-size Distribution in CO Chondrites. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 917, L25.

Piralla M, Villeneuve J, Batanova V, Jacquet E, Marrocchi Y (2021) Conditions of chondrule formation in ordinary chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 313, 295–312.

Rey P, Mazalto M, Jeanne I (2021) Reconciling standards and the operational needs of mining projects in Africa: Examples from Guinea. The Extractive Industries and Society 8(1), 23–31.

Thibon F, Metian M, Oberhänsli F, Montanes M, Vassileva E, Orani AM, Telouk P, Swarzenski P, Vigier N (2021) Bioaccumulation of Lithium Isotopes in Mussel Soft Tissues and Implications for Coastal Environments. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 5(6), 1407–1417.

Thibon F, Weppe L, Vigier N, Churlaud C, Lacoue-Labarthe T, Metian M, Cherel Y, Bustamante P (2021) Large-scale survey of lithium concentrations in marine organisms. Science of The Total Environment 751, 141453.

Xu YX, Yang B, Wu SC, Shi Y, Bao XW, Liu Y, Zhang Y, Yang YJ, Wang QY, Xia QK (2021) Metal preconcentration for gold mineralization in arcs: Geophysical observations from Western Junggar, NW China. Ore Geology Reviews 139(B), 104562.


Baudouin C, France L, Boulanger M, Dalou C, Devidal J-L (2020) Trace element partitioning between clinopyroxene and alkaline magmas: parametrization and role of M1 site on HREE enrichment in clinopyroxenes. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 175, 42.

Beaussart A, Feuillie C, El-Kirat-Chatel S (2020) The microbial adhesive arsenal deciphered by atomic force microscopy. Nanoscale 12(47), 23885–23896.

Boulliung J, Füri E, Dalou C, Tissandier L, Zimmermann L, Marrocchi Y (2020) Oxygen fugacity and melt composition controls on nitrogen solubility in silicate melts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 284, 120–133.

Casola V, France L, Galy A, Bouden N, Villeneuve J (2020) No evidence for carbon enrichment in the mantle source of carbonatites in eastern Africa. Geology 48(10), 971–975.

Chen H, Xia Q, Xu Y (2020) Preface to the special issue on “Circum-Tibetan Plateau Basin and Orogen System: Tectonics, geodynamics and resources”. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 198, 104431.

Delon R, Demouchy S, Marrocchi Y, Bouhifd MA, Gasc J, Cordier P, Koizumi S, Burnard PG (2020) Effect of deformation on helium storage and diffusion in polycrystalline forsterite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 273, 226–243.

Faure F (2020) Early silica crust formation in planetesimals by metastable silica-rich liquid immiscibility or cristobalite crystallisation: the possible origin of silica-rich chondrules. Scientific Reports 10, 4765.

Faure P, Bouhifd MA, Boyet M, Manthilake G, Clesi V, Devidal J-L (2020) Uranium and thorium partitioning in the bulk silicate Earth and the oxygen content of Earth’s core. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 275, 83–98.

France L (2020) Can destabilization rims of hydrous minerals be used to constrain magma ascent kinetics at lava dome volcanoes? Bulletin of Volcanology 82, 66.

Israel C, Boyet M, Doucelance R, Bonnand P, Frossard P, Auclair D, Bouvier A (2020) Formation of the Ce-Nd mantle array: Crustal extraction vs. recycling by subduction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 530, 115941.

Li W, Liu X-M (2020) Experimental investigation of lithium isotope fractionation during kaolinite adsorption: Implications for chemical weathering. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 284, 156–172.

Marrocchi Y, Bonal L, Gattacceca J, Piani L, Beck P, Greenwood R, Eschrig J, Basque A, Nuccio PM, Martin FF (2020) The Piancaldoli meteorite: A forgotten primitive LL3.10 ordinary chondrite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 55(8), 1924–1935.

Marrocchi Y, Villeneuve J, Jacquet E, Piralla M, Chaussidon M (2019) Rapid condensation of the first Solar System solids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(47), 23461–23466.

Martin LCP, Blard P-H, Lavé J, Jomelli V, Charreau J, Condom T, Lupker M, ASTER Team (2020) Antarctic-like temperature variations in the Tropical Andes recorded by glaciers and lakes during the last deglaciation. Quaternary Science Reviews 247, 106542.

Matossian AO, Baghdasaryan H, Avagyan A, Igityan H, Gevorgyan M, Havenith H-B (2020) A New Landslide Inventory for the Armenian Lesser Caucasus: Slope Failure Morphologies and Seismotectonic Influences on Large Landslides. Geosciences 10(3), 111.

Namur O, Montalbano S, Bolle O, Vander Auwera J (2020) Petrology of the April 2015 Eruption of Calbuco Volcano, Southern Chile. Journal of Petrology 61(8), egaa084.

Navarrete WF, Le Pennec JL, Solano S, Liorzou C, Ruiz GA (2020) A first reconstruction of the evolution of Cubilche Volcanic Complex, Imbabura Province, Ecuador. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 406, 107023.

Piani L, Marrocchi Y, Rigaudier T, Vacher LG, Thomassin D, Marty B (2020) Earth’s water may have been inherited from material similar to enstatite chondrite meteorites. Science 369(6507), 1110–1113.

Piralla M, Marrocchi Y, Verdier-Paoletti MJ, Vacher LG, Villeneuve J, Piani L, Bekaert DV, Gounelle M (2020) Primordial water and dust of the Solar System: Insights from in situ oxygen measurements of CI chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 269, 451–464.

Sartégou A, Blard P-H, Braucher R, Bourlès DL, Sorriaux P, Zimmermann L, Laffitte A, Tibari B, Leanni L, Guillou V, Bourdet A, ASTER Team (2020) Late Cenozoic evolution of the Ariège River valley (Pyrenees) constrained by cosmogenic 26Al/10Be and 10Be/21Ne dating of cave sediments. Geomorphology 371, 107441.

Vacher LG, Piani L, Rigaudier T, Thomassin D, Florin G, Piralla M, Marrocchi Y (2020) Hydrogen in chondrites: Influence of parent body alteration and atmospheric contamination on primordial components. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 281, 53–66.

van Gerve TD, Neave DA, Almeev RR, Holtz F, Namur O (2020) Zoned Crystal Records of Transcrustal Magma Transport, Storage and Differentiation: Insights from the Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau. Journal of Petrology 61(8), egaa080.

Villeneuve J, Marrocchi Y, Jacquet E (2020) Silicon isotopic compositions of chondrule silicates in carbonaceous chondrites and the formation of primordial solids in the accretion disk. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 542, 116318.

Xu Y, Zhang H (2020) Secular evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the northern margin of the North China Craton: Insights from zoned olivine xenocrysts in Early Cretaceous basalts. GSA Bulletin 132(11–12), 2353–2366.


Bai Y, Su B-X, Xiao Y, Chen C, Cui M-M, He X-Q, Qin L-P, Charlier B (2019) Diffusion-driven chromium isotope fractionation in ultramafic cumulate minerals: Elemental and isotopic evidence from the Stillwater Complex. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 263, 167–181.

Baudouin C, France L (2019) Trace element partitioning between wollastonite and alkaline silicate magmas. Chemical Geology 523, 88–94.

Burg J-P, Bouilhol P (2019) Timeline of the South Tibet–Himalayan belt: the geochronological record of subduction, collision, and underthrusting from zircon and monazite U–Pb ages. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 56(12), 1318-1332.

Dalou C, Füri E, Deligny C, Piani L, Caumon M-C, Laumonier M, Boulliung J, Edén M (2019) Redox control on nitrogen isotope fractionation during planetary core formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(29), 14485–14494.

Delon R, Demouchy S, Marrocchi Y, Bouhifd MA, Cordier P, Addad A, Burnard PG (2019) Argon storage and diffusion in Earth’s upper mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 253, 1–18.

Dietze E, Brykała D, Schreuder LT, Jażdżewski K, Blarquez O, Brauer A, Dietze M, Obremska M, Ott F, Pieńczewska A, Schouten S, Hopmans EC, Słowiński M (2019) Human-induced fire regime shifts during 19th century industrialization: A robust fire regime reconstruction using northern Polish lake sediments. PLOS ONE 14(9), e0222011.

Feurdean A, Vasiliev I (2019) The contribution of fire to the late Miocene spread of grasslands in eastern Eurasia (Black Sea region). Scientific Reports 9, 6750.

Mariotti A, Blard P-H, Charreau J, Petit C, Molliex S, ASTER Team (2019) Denudation systematics inferred from in situ cosmogenic 10Be concentrations in fine (50–100 µm) and medium (100–250 µm) sediments of the Var River basin, southern French Alps. Earth Surface Dynamics 7(4), 1059–1074.

Marrocchi Y, Euverte R, Villeneuve J, Batanova V, Welsch B, Ferrière L, Jacquet E (2019) Formation of CV chondrules by recycling of amoeboid olivine aggregate-like precursors. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 247, 121–141.

Marrocchi Y, Piani L (2019) The tumultuous childhood of the Solar System. Nature Astronomy 3, 889–890.

Rudraswami NG, Marrocchi Y, Shyam Prasad M, Fernandes D, Villeneuve J, Taylor S (2019) Oxygen isotopic and chemical composition of chromites in micrometeorites: Evidence of ordinary chondrite precursors. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54(6), 1347–1361.

Vacher LG, Piralla M, Gounelle M, Bizzarro M, Marrocchi Y (2019) Thermal Evolution of Hydrated Asteroids Inferred from Oxygen Isotopes. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 882, L20.

Vacher LG, Truche L, Faure F, Tissandier L, Mosser-Ruck R, Marrocchi Y (2019) Deciphering the conditions of tochilinite and cronstedtite formation in CM chondrites from low temperature hydrothermal experiments. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54(8), 1870–1889.

Verdier-Paoletti MJ, Marrocchi Y, Vacher LG, Gattacceca J, Gurenko A, Sonzogni C, Gounelle M (2019) Testing the genetic relationship between fluid alteration and brecciation in CM chondrites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science 54(8), 1692–1709.

Villeneuve J, Chaussidon M, Marrocchi Y, Deng Z, Watson EB (2019) High-precision in situ silicon isotopic analyses by multi-collector secondary ion mass spectrometry in olivine and low-calcium pyroxene. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 33(20), 1589–1597.

Zhang Z, Qin T, Pommier A, Hirschmann MM (2019) Carbon storage in Fe-Ni-S liquids in the deep upper mantle and its relation to diamond and Fe-Ni alloy precipitation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 520, 164–174.


Clesi V, Bouhifd MA, Bolfan-Casanova N, Manthilake G, Schiavi F, Raepsaet C, Bureau H, Khodja H, Andrault D (2018) Low hydrogen contents in the cores of terrestrial planets. Science Advances 4(3), e1701876.

Dalou C, Boulon J, Koga KT, Dalou R, Dennen R (2018) DOUBLE FIT: Optimization procedure applied to lattice strain model. Computers & Geosciences 117, 49–56.

Delon R, Demouchy S, Marrocchi Y, Bouhifd MA, Barou F, Cordier P, Addad A, Burnard PG (2018) Helium incorporation and diffusion in polycrystalline olivine. Chemical Geology 488, 105–124.

Denis CMM, Demouchy S, Alard O (2018) Heterogeneous hydrogen distribution in orthopyroxene from veined mantle peridotite (San Carlos, Arizona): Impact of melt-rock interactions. Lithos 302–303, 298–311.

Dietze E, Theuerkauf M, Bloom K, Brauer A, Dörfler W, Feeser I, Feurdean A, Gedminienė L, Giesecke T, Jahns S, Karpińska-Kołaczek M, Kołaczek P, Lamentowicz M, Latałowa M, Marcisz K, Obremska M, Pędziszewska A, Poska A, Rehfeld K, Stančikaitė M, Stivrins N, Święta-Musznicka J, Szal M, Vassiljev J, Veski S, Wacnik A, Weisbrodt D, Wiethold J, Vannière B, Słowiński M (2018) Holocene fire activity during low-natural flammability periods reveals scale-dependent cultural human-fire relationships in Europe. Quaternary Science Reviews 201, 44–56.

Gu X, Ingrin J, Deloule E, France L, Xia Q (2018) Metasomatism in the sub-continental lithospheric mantle beneath the south French Massif Central: Constraints from trace elements, Li and H in peridotite minerals. Chemical Geology 478, 2–17.

Hou T, Charlier B, Holtz F, Veksler I, Zhang Z, Thomas R, Namur O (2018) Immiscible hydrous Fe-Ca-P melt and the origin of iron oxide-apatite ore deposits. Nature Communications 9, 1415.

Marrocchi Y, Bekaert D, Piani L (2018) Origin and abundance of water in carbonaceous asteroids. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 482, 23–32.

Marrocchi Y, Villeneuve J, Batanova V, Piani L, Jacquet E (2018) Oxygen isotopic diversity of chondrule precursors and the nebular origin of chondrules. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 496, 132–141.

Mollex G, Füri E, Burnard P, Zimmermann L, Chazot G, Kazimoto EO, Marty B, France L (2018) Tracing helium isotope compositions from mantle source to fumaroles at Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania. Chemical Geology 480, 66–74.

Piani L, Marrocchi Y (2018) Hydrogen isotopic composition of water in CV-type carbonaceous chondrites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 504, 64–71.

Roulleau E, Tardani D, Vlastelic I, Vinet N, Sanchez J, Sano Y, Takahata N (2018) Multi-element isotopic evolution of magmatic rocks from Caviahue-Copahue Volcanic Complex (Chile-Argentina): Involvement of mature slab recycled materials. Chemical Geology 476, 370–388.

Zhang Y, Hou T, Veksler I, Lesher CE, Namur O (2018) Phase equilibria and geochemical constraints on the petrogenesis of high-Ti picrite from the Paleogene East Greenland flood basalt province. Lithos 300–301, 20–32.

Zhang Z, von der Handt A, Hirschmann MM (2018) An experimental study of Fe-Ni exchange between sulfide melt and olivine at upper mantle conditions: implications for mantle sulfide compositions and phase equilibria. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 173, 19.


Kuga M, Cernogora G, Marrocchi Y, Tissandier L, Marty B (2017) Processes of noble gas elemental and isotopic fractionations in plasma-produced organic solids: Cosmochemical implications. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 217, 219–230.

Rose-Koga EF, Koga KT, Moreira M, Vlastélic I, Jackson MG, Whitehouse MJ, Shimizu N, Habib N (2017) Geochemical systematics of Pb isotopes, fluorine, and sulfur in melt inclusions from São Miguel, Azores. Chemical Geology 458, 22–37.

Verdier-Paoletti MJ, Marrocchi Y, Avice G, Roskosz M, Gurenko A, Gounelle M (2017) Oxygen isotope constraints on the alteration temperatures of CM chondrites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 458, 273–281.

Zhang Z, Pommier A (2017) Electrical Investigation of Metal-Olivine Systems and Application to the Deep Interior of Mercury. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 122(12), 2702–2718.


France L, Demacon M, Gurenko A, Briot D (2016) Oxygen isotopes reveal crustal contamination and a large, still partially molten magma chamber in Chaîne des Puys (French Massif Central). Lithos 260, 328–338.

Gu X, Deloule E, France L, Ingrin J (2016) Multi-stage metasomatism revealed by trace element and Li isotope distributions in minerals of peridotite xenoliths from Allègre volcano (French Massif Central). Lithos 264, 158–174.

Koga KT, Rose-Koga EF (2016) Fluorine. In: White WM (ed.) Encyclopedia of Geochemistry. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series. Springer, Chambridge.

Marrocchi Y, Chaussidon M, Piani L, Libourel G (2016) Early scattering of the solar protoplanetary disk recorded in meteoritic chondrules. Science Advances 2(7), e1601001.

Vlastélic I, Gannoun A, Di Muro A, Gurioli L, Bachèlery P, Henot JM (2016) Origin and fate of sulfide liquids in hotspot volcanism (La Réunion): Pb isotope constraints from residual Fe-Cu oxides. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 194, 179–192.

2015 and earlier

Dalou C, Le Losq C, Mysen BO (2015) In situ study of the fractionation of hydrogen isotopes between aluminosilicate melts and coexisting aqueous fluids at high pressure and high temperature – Implications for the δD in magmatic processes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 426, 158–166.

Dalou C, Le Losq C, Mysen BO, Cody GD (2015) Solubility and solution mechanisms of chlorine and fluorine in aluminosilicate melts at high pressure and high temperature. American Mineralogist 100(10), 2272–2283.

Dalou C, Mysen BO (2015) The effect of H2O on F and Cl solubility mechanisms in aluminosilicate melts at high pressure and high temperature. American Mineralogist 100, 633–643.

France L, Chazot G, Kornprobst J, Dallai L, Vannucci R, Grégoire M, Bertrand H, Boivin P (2015) Mantle refertilization and magmatism in old orogenic regions: The role of late-orogenic pyroxenites. Lithos 232, 49–75.

Wauthier C, Cayol V, Smets B, d’Oreye N, Kervyn F (2015) Magma pathways and their interactions inferred from InSAR and stress modeling at Nyamulagira Volcano, D.R. Congo. Remote Sensing 7(11), 15179–15202.

Zhang Z, Lentsch N, Hirschmann MM (2015) Carbon-saturated monosulfide melting in the shallow mantle: solubility and effect on solidus. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 170, 47.

Dalou C, Koga KT, Le Voyer M, Shimizu N (2014) Contrasting partition behavior of F and Cl during hydrous mantle melting: implications for Cl/F signature in arc magmas. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 1, 26.

Dalou C, Koga KT, Shimizu N, Boulon J, Devidal JL (2012) Experimental determination of F and Cl partitioning between lherzolite and basaltic melt. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 163, 591–609.